A Year in Review

Our heart and passion have always been—and always will be—to bring the love of Christ to the most hurting and broken in our generation.

Looking back over the years, God’s merciful hand can be seen in everything—especially the steadfast support received from partners around the world. GFA began more than 40 years ago, believing God’s love and mercy were the answers for all people, particularly those in Asia, where the needs are so great. And He has been faithful to honor that belief in every ministry venture we’ve undertaken.

In just one year alone, amidst growing opposition, GFA continued to share the love and compassion of Christ throughout 20 nations. And to date, 12,000 local congregations and fellowship groups are worshiping God across Asia. In spite of increased persecution and difficulties, hundreds of thousands of precious lives have been impacted with the love of God and changed for all eternity.

315,332 women received free healthcare training


women received free healthcare training

59,888 adult women learned how to read and write


adult women learned how to read and write

14,278 awareness programs held for families


awareness programs held for families

6,529 sewing machines given to women and men as a source of income


sewing machines given to women and men as a source of income

12,000+ women

received vocational training to enable them to earn a living

4,856 Jesus Wells drilled in communities needing clean water


Jesus Wells drilled in communities needing clean water

12,243 BioSand water filters given to families or individuals


BioSand water filters given to families or individuals

37.5 million people

given clean water through Jesus Wells and water filters, since our clean water projects began in 2000

2,170 GFA Child Sponsorship Program students graduated from high school


GFA Child Sponsorship Program students graduated from high school

500,000 deworming tablets given to at-risk children to prevent parasites


deworming tablets given to at-risk children to prevent parasites

247,000 children participated in Vacation Bible School


children participated in Vacation Bible School

8,000+ youth fellowships are learning to be a blessing to their communities


youth fellowships are learning to be a blessing to their communities

138,000 children

received food, medical care, and an education since GFA’s Child Sponsorship Program began in 2004

40 teams of Sisters of the Cross are serving widows


teams of Sisters of the Cross are serving widows

47 teams of Sisters of the Cross are working among leprosy patients


teams of Sisters of the Cross are working among leprosy patients

509 Sisters of the Cross

serving the needy, underprivileged and poor

1,267 medical camps held in needy or remote communities


medical camps conducted in remote or needy communities

5,428 toilets installed in disadvantaged communities


toilets installed in disadvantaged communities

300,000 blankets given to the poor


blankets given to the poor

380,000 mosquito nets distributed


mosquito nets distributed

262,534 families

helped through income-generating or quality-of-life gifts given through GFA's Christmas Gift Catalogue

872 slums where GFA ministers


slums are experiencing hope through GFA’s ministry

4,030 bicycles given to missionaries and people in need


bicycles given to missionaries and people in need

300 film teams shared the message of hope in 15,000 communities


film teams shared the message of hope in 15,000 communities

19 different languages for Christian literature


different language groups have access to Christian literature in their native tongue

12,000 local congregations

and fellowship groups worshiping God in 16 nations across Asia

These numbers represent the Lord’s work in 2019 through GFA and our partnerships worldwide as we follow Him in His work in 16 Asian nations, including Sri Lanka, Bangladesh and Nepal.

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