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Pray for Relief Work Done During COVID-19 Crisis


The spread of COVID-19 across Asia has prompted national governments to implement strict measures in effort to curb the infection among the more than 4.5 billion people on the continent. Restrictions such as shelter-in-place orders and the suspension of non-essential business have impacted the daily lives of residents in ways both familiar to us and unfamiliar. Daily wage labourers—the majority of the workforce in countries where GFA ispresent—are now required to stay home, and therefore have no means to earn money to buy food for their families. Many of these labourers had moved to cities to support their families living in rural villages and are stuck jobless and alone, unable to return home. Widows and street children, who already live in desperate situations, still need help, but who will give it to them?

GFA Child Sponsorship Program centres, compelled to temporarily suspend activities along with schools, have transformed into community kitchens, feeding not only the children who are enrolled in the Child Sponsorship Program, but the entire neighborhood.

GFA workers are faithfully tending to the poor and needy who are most severely affected by this health crisis while also observing mandated measures intended to curb the spread of COVID-19. Please pray for these godly men and women who are providing help in Jesus’ name within the very communities they live.


Pray for Protection and Health

  • Pray for GFA workers to be protected from the coronavirus as they provide relief.
  • Pray for the health of men and women who live in neighbourhoods with confirmed cases of the virus.
  • Pray for grace to abide by government restrictions and for provision of rent and food.
  • Pray for Child Sponsorship Program centres operating as community kitchens, that God will provide them plenty of food to help hundreds of people.
  • Ask for God’s protection for migrant workers who have lost their jobs and are desperately trying to return to their home villages.
  • Pray that Jesus Wells and BioSand water filters continue to supply abundant water so people can wash their hands and safeguard themselves from the virus.

Pray for Ministry to Continue

  • Ask God for favor and a good testimony for GFA workers who are partnering with local governments.
  • Pray for Sisters of the Cross and missionaries who serve in slums and leprosy colonies to be a source of hope and help to the most destitute.
  • Pray for wisdom to know how to best get food into the hands of people facing starvation.
  • Pray we can distribute the most needed items: food, masks and soap.
  • Pray for synergy as churches, different religious leaders and government authorities work together to provide relief.

Pray for an End to the Pandemic

  • Pray for COVID-19 to stop in its tracks, especially in the densely populated cities of South Asia, such as Mumbai.
  • Pray for wisdom for national leaders in protecting their citizens.
  • Ask for God’s favor on the medical community to find a cure for coronavirus.

Pray for Something Good to Come from Something Bad

We are confident of God’s promises, including His promise to work all things for good for those who love Him.

  • Pray God brings good out of the chaos of this global pandemic.
  • Pray for many hearts to be open to the eternal hope found in Jesus during this time of uncertainty and fear.
  • Pray that those who do not yet know that God loves them will experience His love through food distributions, clean water and a word of prayer.

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